the September series

Gendered Clothing – Why is This a Thing?

Before I dive into the meat of this post, a brief update on how Oranje is doing. I got the first proof read back last week, with less changes than I expected and even a smiley face in the comments, which made me very happy. I made the necessary changes and sent it back for the 2nd proof read which should hopefully take around a week.

Which means, dun dun dun! Oranje should be released within a week, which is super exciting and terrifying at the same time (oh, if anyone wonders how to pronounce Oranje, let me point you here).

I’ve also finished the outline of book 2, Choices, and work will begin on the first draft for that tomorrow. I’ve added it to the progress page.


Okay time to start on the main part of this post. The issue of gendered clothing is something that’s been on my mind for a while, but shopping for a new watch after Christmas brought it to the fore again.

Going into a watch store and browsing through the different style reminded me just how much we treat the two genders as being completely different. The mens watches you could break down into two real styles. Simple, with clean dials and leather/metal straps, or dial-heavy, where there is single/multiple dials on the watch. Both styles tend to be quite large.

You compare those to the womens, where it goes from chunky and ‘practical’ (no one needs that many dials), to ‘quirky’ and ‘cute’. Most humans have wrists, and there is no inherent difference between the genders in that area. So why, instead of organising them by style, do we insist on dividing them based on what we expect the genders to like.

This reinforcing of supposed gender ideals happens everywhere with clothing, shoes and accessories. Mens being practical and chunky, womens being quirky and designed far more for looks. Shoes are a great example of this, women are generally expected to contort themselves into high heels to look great, but us men can get away with boring loafers.

Fashion is obviously a lot more complicated than that, with grey areas where the fashion trends overlap, but there is very clearly a big difference in how clothes for men and women are designed and marketed, and those are based on the traditional view of each genre.

None of this makes sense to me. A shoe is a shoe, most people have feet so shoes shouldn’t be defined by gender. Neither should clothes. We come in a huge range of shapes and sizes, surely that should be the basis for how clothes are categorised, rather than what sex we are.

This is a great example of how sexism is still alive and well in our society. There’s no way you can say it’s something that now lives in the past when just your gender is meant to decide how you dress. There is nothing inherent to women that means they have to wear skirts, skin tight tops or high heels, just like there is nothing inherent to men that means they need big chunky watches or have to wear sensible shirts.

Surely, in an ideal world, we wouldn’t force these pre-existing notions of what men and women wear onto people, and someone could wear whatever the hell they wanted to. That has to be the end goal with gender quality. It’s not about making women equal to what men already have, but making everything equal for both, challenging and removing the gender assumptions that in-grained in our society.

That’s my rambling thoughts on the matter. I know other people have written about issues like this in much greater depth and detail than me, but it’s something that’s been on my mind I wanted to talk about.

Updated Oranje Blurb, and Amazon MatchBook

Over the past few weeks as Oranje editing has been going on, I’ve also taken the opportunity to revise and improve the blurb. It is now this:

The fate of billions will rest in the hands of a few.

In the region of September, the planet Oranje has been devastated, its population wiped out in a merciless attack.

The rest of September is distracted by the imminent war between the Arausio Republic and the Union of Nine, blind to everything else. Only the Curators, reclusive protectors of the Net that connects all of humanity, know the truth. Oranje is just the prelude to a full-scale invasion.

There is only one option: they must send out the Three to warn September, if people will listen. Few trust the Curators, but there are some, tired of the wars between the Union and the Republic, who can help stop this threat.

If the Three fail, all planets will suffer the same fate as Oranje. The future of September is in their hands.

I’m also pleased to announced that Oranje will be making use of Amazon MatchBook, so if you buy the paperback version of the book (unfortunately the program is only availabe in the US for now) you will get the ebook for free.

That’s right, free.

I’m always annoyed when I buy a book, and to get both formats costs pretty much the same as buying two different books, so I’m happy to take advantage of a program that makes life better for readers.

The Waiting Game Has Begun

So, as said last time, Oranje has gone to proofreaders!

There will now be a period of time, I don’t know how long exactly, until I here back from them and then make any changes that are needed.

This waiting however doesn’t mean I’m not getting any writing done. The outline for book 2, Choices, is being worked on right now and I’m making very good progress with it. I’ll also be putting up more blog posts over the next few weeks.

Not long now for Oranje, and the cycle has begun again with Choices.

Fourth Edit Complete – On to Proofreaders!

*does a little dance*

So the fourth edit of Oranje is done, and I’m really happy with how it went. As I’ve mentioned before, the focus of this edit was on line to line stuff such as improving the flow of sentences, getting rid of redundant words, getting the dialog to sound better etc.

The books gone from 114,000 words to just under 112,000, so I think I’ve definitely been able to trim the fat. It’s been sent to my editor, and then hopefully soon after to proof readers. I think it’s definitely time to get it into the hands of other people for a read through so I can make the final tweaks. If you’re interested let me know.

It’s very exciting being this close to having the book finished, can’t wait for the final changes to be done.

Let’s Consider Editing, For a Moment. Also Bonus Proof Copy Pictures

As mentioned previously the second edit of Oranje is now with my editor and awaiting their next round of changes. However this doesn’t mean I’ve been idle on the editing front.

When I got the first edit back from them they attached documents with their overall thoughts, and another with a list of repeated words. This was fascinating to read, as a writer I’m obviously falling back on the same words and phrases again and again as I get through the book. Editing is a change to deal with that, to add more variety or reword sentences to prevent a lot of repetition.

With the second edit being, well I hope it is, the last big story edits, I thought I’d take a look at those numbers again. I used SmartEdit for this, which is a very useful piece of software. It analyses a piece of text, and then gives you a list of the most repeated words, phrases, adverbs, and also how many time you use certain cliché phrases.

I’m just going to focus on the phrases for now, as I think they give a good idea of what I’m doing overall, and it’s fascinating to see which ones repeat.

  • For a moment – I’ve used that one 92 times. 92! Here’s an example: ‘He was bent low staring at the screen before he bowed his head for a moment and looked despairingly at Dragan’. I can easily eliminate ‘for a moment’ from that sentence and have none of the meaning change. A quick glance shows that to be true of most of the cases where I’ve used it.
  • A lot of – This a lot of ‘a lot of’, these can’t be removed but I can definitely vary this more. Replace some with ‘most of’, or ‘quite a few’, ‘plenty’, or reword sentences in some cases.
  • Shook his/her head – My characters are shaking their heads so much one of them is bound to fall off sooner or later. This seems to be my go-to for displaying certain kinds of emotion, I’ll need to replace lots of these with other types of body language or action to communicate how characters are feeling.

These are just three examples of phrases I’ve used a lot so far (see, there’s ‘a lot of’ again!), but I’m not worried about it. This what the editing process is all about, ironing out the creaky/repetitive bits of the book, sorting out the grammar and sentence structures, improving the text.

I’m looking at this now, before I’ve had the third edit back, as it enables me to come up with a plan of how to deal with them. Once I get it back, I can work my way through the text eliminating/replacing/rewording them, and make the book better as a result.

The end is in sight, I can’t wait to release Oranje to the world.

On a related note, the latest proof copy of the book arrived today. I’ve been doing this at regular stages throughout the writing process as it’s enabled me to learn about how to properly format a book for print, as I’m doing all of that myself, and to try out different fonts etc.

This time I did a print, done via CreateSpace, as I want to see the awesome new cover in the flesh, and here it is:

front_far front spine back

I’m sure you’ll agree it looks amazing.

Oh it’s so exciting!!!!!

Oranje Second Edit Complete, Back of Book text revealed

After getting through 50 pages of editing on Sunday, the second edit is complete.

Oranje is close to being done, but not quite yet. I’ve sent the file back to my editor and I’m expecting another round of changes before it goes to the proof readers.

To celebrate reaching this milestone, below is the current book description and back of book text for Oranje:

The fate of millions will rest in the hands of a few.

The planet Oranje has been attacked. Only the Curators, reclusive protectors of the Net that connects all of humanity, know what terrible thing has happened. In order to find allies, The Three must be sent out to spread the word.

This will be no easy task. Other nations in September are on the brink of war, but The Three cannot let that stop them. There are simply too many lives at risk. The coming horror threatens the whole region, and the Curators have no hope of stopping it on their own.

If The Three fail, all of September will suffer the same terrible fate as Oranje.

I’m also pleased to reveal the covers for the other books in the series.

Lusted_CHOICES_EbookEdition Lusted_TRUTH_EbookEdition Lusted_HOPE_EbookEdition

I’m sure you can agree that Jason has done as good a job on all the books in the series as he has done for Oranje.