Oranje Second Edit Complete, Back of Book text revealed

After getting through 50 pages of editing on Sunday, the second edit is complete.

Oranje is close to being done, but not quite yet. I’ve sent the file back to my editor and I’m expecting another round of changes before it goes to the proof readers.

To celebrate reaching this milestone, below is the current book description and back of book text for Oranje:

The fate of millions will rest in the hands of a few.

The planet Oranje has been attacked. Only the Curators, reclusive protectors of the Net that connects all of humanity, know what terrible thing has happened. In order to find allies, The Three must be sent out to spread the word.

This will be no easy task. Other nations in September are on the brink of war, but The Three cannot let that stop them. There are simply too many lives at risk. The coming horror threatens the whole region, and the Curators have no hope of stopping it on their own.

If The Three fail, all of September will suffer the same terrible fate as Oranje.

I’m also pleased to reveal the covers for the other books in the series.

Lusted_CHOICES_EbookEdition Lusted_TRUTH_EbookEdition Lusted_HOPE_EbookEdition

I’m sure you can agree that Jason has done as good a job on all the books in the series as he has done for Oranje.