
The Second Draft is Underway!

So the Progress Check has been updated. The revised outline was finished on sunday and I have started writing the second drafy. Little odd writing properly again after almost a month break so the words aren’t flowing as well as I would like yet, but not got off to a bad start.

More YouTube videos have been held up by a cold/flu I’ve had recently, the bad throat from which is lingering on and I’ve not quite shaken off yet. Will hopefully have a short one up later today and another on sunday.

Short update, with more to come soon.

Discovery Writing v Outlines – Have an End in Mind

As I dive into my revised outline before I assault the mountain that is the second draft I thought I’d write about my thoughts on a subject that gets debated a lot online, plotting v pantsing.

These can be viewed as two extremes of a spectrum. Plotting is all about having a firm outline before you start writing and mostly sticking to it as you know where it is going. Pantsing is all about having an idea and discovering the plot as you go, writing by the seat of your pants.

Very few writers will sit firmly in one camp or another, most will exist somewhere in between. I sit on the plotting side, I write outlines and try to stick to them for the first draft. However I will make big changes for the second draft, and I’m flexible about making more changes as I go along so I have elements of the pantsing side in my approach.

If you are writing a series (and my books are now looking to be a series of four rather than a trilogy) I feel some outlining will always be necessary to plot out the overall story-arcs and make sure it is all consistent.

For me this discussion about how you approach writing a book will always come down to what works best for each individual writer. Whatever works best for you is what matters. More important to me is something that can be applied to both approaches.

Have an ending in mind

This to me is crucial whether you outline or use the discovery method, you need to have an idea of where you are going with it. It’s no use just writing whatever comes to mind if you are just rambling around desperately trying to work out where you are going, if you have a vague idea what your ending will be it is something you can push towards, you know your book needs to end up there.

It doesn’t matter if it all changes in the next draft, or it goes odd twists and turns on the way, moving your story towards that ending will save you a lot of time around the middle trying to see where it is all going. The ending may change completely once you get there, just have a vague flag off in the distance you can work towards.

So with all that said, here are some tips of what else to think about as you do your thing.

  • What is the story about? – Without any idea of what story you want to tell you are not going to get very far. Think about what the core idea of what you want to write is and always keep that in mind. Having a section detailing the intricate workings of the political system you’ve created for your word might be fascinating, but is it relevant to the story you are telling? Every scene you write should be about moving the story forward or telling us something about the characters involved in it.
  • Who are the characters and what do they want? – Who the hell is the reader following through this story? They need to have their own goals that give them the motivation that will help the reader understand their actions. If they don’t have something they want, what is pushing them forward in the story?
  • How is the story being told? – Is the reader experiencing this through someone’s eyes or from some third person perspective that doesn’t let them into the characters head? You should have this nailed down by the time you’ve got your rough first draft done. That is going to be almost completely rewritten so you can change your mind by the time that is done without much harm, but if you decide to change this later on that is a lot you will have to change.

Amazon and Goodreads

So the news that Amazon have brought Goodreads is dominating discussions on many writing forums I lurk on, but for me my views are best summed up by Hugh Howey in his blog post on his site.

Some select quotes:

I understand that there will be a lot of hand-wringing over the acquisition. To many, Amazon is an evil corporation hellbent on destroying the world. They have made these intentions clear by paying authors a shitload and fighting to lower the price of books for readers. I think we can all agree that authors and readers are scum, and this preferential treatment on the part of Amazon should be looked at with complete distrust.


I can think of a dozen ways this acquisition might make my life better as both a reader and an author. Right now, I spend a lot of time on both sites in both capacities. My guess is that we won’t see many changes at all. I’m betting that the real acquisition here is all the data behind the scenes. The algorithms that tell me what to buy (and almost always nail it) are going to get better. The social networks that feed my reading habit are going to get stronger. The people who helped make Goodreads awesome are going to get richer. And the people at Amazon, who I have gotten to know this past year and who to a man and woman love the fuck out of some books, are going to keep trying to get the right ones in the hands of readers.

First draft done

Thanks to a mammoth effort this weekend the first draft is finished. It is 65,420 words long and now I will do nothing.

Seems an odd thing to do as I know it needs a lot of changes (got a long list of revisions I want to make for the second draft already) but I need to let it sit and my mind wander onto other subjects so when I come back at the beginning of April to being that second draft I will see the whole book in a fresh light.

Then will start the hard part of making it good. I think I know what is needed which is a good start, but only time will tell.

Oh I’ve also added a Progress Check section where you see where I am at and how far I have until I’ve finished this book.

So it begins…

This has been a few years coming but I’ll leave the back story of me in another post. This one is more of a mission statement.

I am writing a book. A series of books to be precise, a space opera trilogy. I have almost finished the first draft of book one and I aim to have the final book ready and self published by the end of this year.

The series is tentatively called The Three and book one is Oranje. All names subject to change but I thought I’d put up what I have so far.

The plan is as follows:

  • First draft finished by the end of this month
  • Second draft done by the end of June (tentative date for now) at which point I will get an editor and beta readers involved
  • Several months of revisions and improvements
  • First third of the book posted on this website for free for everyone to read
  • Book self published through Createspace (paper back), Amazon (ebook) and through other ebook distributors sometime before the end of the year

I am going to stick to this plan and I know I can accomplish this. The 50,000+ words of the first draft I’ve done so far have all been written this year. The goals are realistic and I am going to get it done. Once the first draft is done I will put up a back of the book description for The Three: Oranje in the books section and post up my concepts for the cover art for it.

Alongside this grand plan I will be making posts on this website to relate the progress I am making and talking about writing as I go through the process of finishing my first book. I’ve had many false starts but this one I am going to finish. I will also be doing occasional YouTube videos talking about subjects ranging from my writing to broader subjects relating to writing in general and science fiction and most likely some which are a little bit random.

So there we go, my mission statement. I am writing some books and I hope you may join me for the ride.