A Change of Paths

With moving house and a hectic schedule at work I’ve not posted much here recently and posting will remain infrequent for a while. However a change in my writing plans means I feel I have to.

Choices is on hold. I’ve got around a quarter of the way through, but I think I need to work on something else for a while to improve my writing.

I know I could deliver Choices  to a standard matching Oranje, and probably a step further forward, with where I am now with my skills. But to do so I think wouldn’t teach me much. The weak areas of my writing – the characters and description – won’t improve by working with the same setting or cast of characters.

So I’ve been working on a new idea. It’s set in the same universe as the September series, just a century or two further forward. I’ve done more work with this idea on having the characters more clearly defined first so that I can work their personalities into the story better, as well as focusing more on how I do description and the pacing of the story.

Hopefully this work and this new idea will help take my writing to the next level. Choices has not been abandoned, I will return and finish it and the rest of the September series. I just need to work on my skill as a writer first so when I do come back it is the best it can be.